Sunday, June 5, 2011

My first blog, Hollaaa'!

Hello blogging world! Right now, I am sitting outside, getting my tan on, jammin to some good music while I write my first blog ever! woo. I created it for when i am in Hawaii, so i can keep y’all updated, So i probably won’t be updating it much until September. :P Meanwhile, I will be working my butt off trying to raise money for the trip. rude of me, you have yet to know why i am going to Hawaii! Well, I am attending Compassion DTS (Discipleship Training School) through YWAM (Youth With A Mission) and I am totally stoked. Gods about to show Himself to me in crazy ways, I know it! It’s roughly 6months long (Sept-March), 12wks of training and then the remaining 12wks-ish is our field assignment which could be anywhere from Cambodia to Rwanda! I’m hoping I get to go to Africa :) While we are there we will be reaching out to children at risk and people who have lived a long life at rock bottom and are searching for hope that only God can provide. I am super excited to be able to introduce them to an everlasting hope in Jesus Christ. =] So yupp that’s that! I will try my best to update the blog weekly while I am there.

*Uck my sisters cat, Malachi, is laying next to me cleaning himself…can’t stand this cat*

ANYWAY, am I suppose to introduce myself or whatever cause this is my first blog and what not? I suppose I can give you my testimony since that’s pretty much a story about how my life started right? Okay so hear it is :) I have been brought up in a wonderful Christian home, my family has always been involved in the church and my mom and dad have always been there to encourage me to go to the Lord. At age 12 I began to teach Sunday school and loved it. I loved being at church and serving the Lord. When I grew older, the protective wings of ma and pa started letting me go and temptation began leaking in everywhere. Satan tried pulling me from every angle and I resisted a majority of it, but still dipped my feet in, maybe a little too deep at times. I began to feel the need to be excepted by everyone in highschool and pushed God to the side, not really bothering to pay attention to Him. In 2008 I attended a castle retreat with a neighboring church, and this is when I realized my life was not focused on what it should be. God was not the center and I needed to change that. I dedicated my life to Christ at the retreat and vowed to stay close to him through everything.I graduated highschool, and then… (*play jaws theme song in head*)…came college. I hadn’t forgotten God but I still managed to fall into sin, I experienced my first party scene. I was doing it again, pushing God on the back burner, and putting myself first. Life went up and down, and after a few eye-opening experiences I was sick of it all and rededicated my life to Christ on October 23, 2010. Although before I  had labeled myself as a “Christian”, and lived like one, I still was caught in Satan’s trap for a period. Many people may be labeled as “closet Christians” for hiding their beliefs but I think I would have been labeled a “closet sinner”. Everyone knew what I believed but behind closed doors I let my guard down and tried living life the way Satan would want me to. That type of lifestyle got tiring and the guilt just ate away at my heart. Thankfully, God is merciful and “makes beautiful things out of the dust” (Song by Gungor called Beautiful Things, look it up, so good!).  One of my best friends told me; “God is always there waiting on the sideline cause we put him there, He’s waiting for us to tag him in, He can take all our anxiety and frustration, all we need to do is ask in faith and He will”. God used this same friend to open my eyes to the luke warm life I was living. I was basing my life off of what seemed right to the world and me, my friend reminded me “The decisions you make shouldn’t be based on what other people want, it should be between you and GOD”, and this is so true, what the heck was I thinking trying to do things on my own and not seeking God unless I was in trouble with something. I realize now we should seek God daily about everything, not just when issues arise.God’s love is like a GIGANTIC waterfall pouring out over the world. We have the choice to step under it and be washed in an amazing shower of grace or to stay out of the stream and become dried up, consumed by the worlds empty promises. I don’t know about you, but I’m enjoying the option to be hydrated in Gods mercy way more than becoming like a dried up raisin under Satan’s nasty foot. =]                            

annnndddd, Waa Laa —>THE END. Err I mean…to be continued in the years to come ;)

                                GUNGOR SONG- Make like jelly and JAM! :)